On the first day of Spring, long time Orcas Islander, charter skipper, sailor, wooden boat owner, and restorer Tony Lee will give us a tour of his many boating projects and adventures. Tony took guests on his bugeye schooner Morning Star out of Orcas Island for 30+ years, during which time he also sailed Morningstar from San Diego through the Panama Canal into the Carribean, later shipping her back to Orcas. After selling Morningstar he was boatless for several years until he acquired/rescued the Peter Duck ketch Quacker. He’s actively sailing Quacker while also catching up on some deferred maintenance.
Tony's talk is on Monday March 20 at the Odd Fellows Hall, Eastsound, 6:30-8:30 pm. Following the presentation Tony plans to sing some Sea Chanties with help from the audience. Admission is free but donations will be gladly accepted.